Thursday, February 2, 2012

London with Drew

Drew and I spent New Years Day in London. Unfortunately we had to get up pretty early to go on our Harry Potter walking tour through the city, but it was worth it. We had a great guide, who looked/sounded just like Moaning Myrtle from the Harry Potter movies, she definitely enhanced our experience. Some of the locations that the tour showed us were a little silly or insignificant, but there were some good highlights as well - like the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron(s), the entrance to the Ministry of Magic, and the Millennium Bridge which was shown in a broom chase. We had a great time, and managed to see some things along the way that we wanted to see after the tour, like Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, and St. Paul's Cathedral. We had a great time in the city!

The beginning of the Harry Potter tour - Harry and Mr Weasley are shown in Westminster Station where they are confused by the Oyster Card system there
In the corner there was a phone booth which was the entrance to the Ministry of Magic in the Harry Potter movies
Drew and the London Eye

Millenium Bridge
Enjoying our yummy lunch from Harrods!!

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