Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Years Eve

Drew made it in to London on New Years Eve Day for his visit, and he did AMAZING the whole day with his jet lag! We didn't get back to the hotel until about 2am that night, and he was a trooper throughout everything. We dropped his luggage off at the hotel, then headed to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park where Drew had a yummy bratwurst - he talked about how delicious it was for days! :) 

We then met up with my friend's who were in London to see a show that day. We had dinner and then headed out to find a spot to watch the fireworks. After a looooot of walking, and a little bit of rain, we made it to a spot along the river Thames where we could see the fireworks display over the London Eye at midnight. While we waited we had some entertainment, a "friendly" (aka drunk) gentleman from Australia who was fascinated by us and our stories from the States, and a group of people who thought that climbing on the porta-potties would be a great idea. We kept waiting for them to fall in/topple over, but alas they did not. Last year the fireworks in London were spectacular, and I'm sure that they were this year as well...if you were on the opposite side of the river where the wind wasn't blowing all of the smoke towards you. We ended up being able to see only about 2 minutes of the show before it was too smoky to see anything. I was pretty bummed because I wanted Drew to see it, but he said he had a great time, so all in all the evening was a success!

Drew and I on the tube

Ice skating rink at Hyde Park
Safety precautions for New Years Eve ;)
Our dinner date for the evening, The Ashcraft's
Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square - given to London every year by Norway
Big Ben...still a couple of hours away from midnight
Happy New Year - 2012!!

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