Thursday, February 16, 2012

My college roommate emailed me in October and said she had found some great airfare prices to fly to Paris. She wanted to know if I would want to meet her over there sometime in January. Since I had just found out Thomas would be deploying, my answer was a resounding YES. It seemed to take forever, but January finally rolled around, and I was off to Paris! I decided I wanted to try taking the train there rather than flying, so I booked my tickets on the Eurostar - the one that goes under the water through the Chunnel! I was pretty excited, but nervous about finding my way to the hotel in Paris once I got there. I took the train right from my little town, switched in London to the Eurostar and made it to Paris with no problems. I was armed with all my maps and walking directions from the metro stop straight to the hotel where I was meeting Debbie, and I made it there without having to ask directions once! My dad would be so proud. :) 

I had heard some negative experiences about visiting Paris, so I tried to go in with very few expectations so that I wouldn't be disappointed. I shouldn't have worried though, because we had a blast! It was a very beautiful city, with great food, and all (OK, most) of the French people we encountered were extremely friendly and helpful. 

We went on a walking tour, went up the Eiffel Tower, visited the Louvre, Museum d'Orsay, Museum L'Orangerie, Notre Dame, Saint Chappelle, and Palace of Versailles - and we were only there for four days! :) I apologize for the picture overload, but it was hard to narrow down all of the pictures we took! 

My first Eurostar experience!

Arc de Triomphe 

Pyramids outside of the Louvre

Sunset from the Eiffel Tower
View from the Eiffel Tower, towards Trocadero

Our tiny hotel room, it was smaller than our dorm room in college!
Me inside the pyramid at the Louvre
Beautiful architecture inside the Louvre
Mona Lisa (obviously)
We loved how they had people painting the paintings inside the Louvre

Museum d'Orsay
Nutella crepes - our favorite!
Notre Dame
Inside Notre Dame
Sacré-Cœur Basilica
Debbie and I in front of the Palace of Versailles
Palace of Versailles
Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles
Gardens, Palace of Versailles
Gardens, Palace of Versailles
I don't know who this is, but they literally just got engaged when I took this picture! :)
Palace of Versailles

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