Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Shepreth Wildlife Park

While Drew was visiting we went to a Wildlife Park nearby. We didn't know what to expect, but I think it was better than either of us hoped for! There were a lot of animals, and it was a smaller park so it wasn't very busy and the animals were close to us. Drew even got to see his FIRST tiger!! My favorite animals were the otters, they were so cute and talkative. And I loved the fat pigs, I would like one for a pet. :)

Drew in the monkey/reptile house
These little monkeys had free reign in the monkey/reptile house - we even saw them land on people!
He looks so sad :(

Drew and the ostriches - their names were Homer and Marge :)

Otters - my favorites!
Sunbathing meerkat

I want one please :)

Drew and the pony

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