Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jersey Boys

My good friend Meghan turned 30 in April, and she really wanted to see the show Jersey Boys in London, so we got us all some tickets and went in to the city for a girl's day. I wasn't expecting much from the show, mainly because I didn't know much about it. I was blown away by the show though, it was amazing. I grew up listening to oldies music (thanks Dad!), and the show was so well done. I was excited to see it while Thomas was gone because I thought he wouldn't enjoy it, but I think he would like it and I would definitely see it again! We had a yummy Mexican food lunch (not as good as Mexican food from Arizona, but still tasty!), and cupcakes for the birthday girl of course. I also got to make my first journey through Chinatown, it was really interesting and pretty. 

The day was beautiful and sunny and made perfect by an old fashioned truck that was just driving through the streets of London spewing bubbles everywhere! It was amazing to see how a random gesture could make so many people happy - kids and adults were loving it!

Meghan and Danielle

Our original seats - second row from the top - YIKES!
After our 10 GBP upgrade, we were on the first level - well worth it! :)


  1. Um yeah, I could have told you Jersey Boys - AWESOME!!! Thomas would definitely love it, that is one I would definitely see again too!

  2. Although, I think it is so much better going into those things not knowing what to expect, becuase if you expectations are low, you are more likely to get BLOWN AWAY! :)

  3. Oh my goodness you have to bring me to the Traditional Boiled Sweets shop when I come. That looks tasty!!
