Monday, March 19, 2012

Fast Food Heaven

I just wanted to share this awesome blog post from my friend Rachael, who I met at a temporary job in Cambridge. She was my boss at this job, but we quickly bonded over our "American-ness", love of reading, and more importantly, our love of chocolate.

I had the pleasure of taking Rachael and her husband to RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall a couple of weekends ago, showing them around, getting some American goodies at the commissary, and perhaps the highlight of the day - eating at Taco Bell. Rachael and Ben are here while he completes his PhD at one of the universities in Cambridge, and they don't have access to the base at all - no Post Office, no commissary, no BX, and no TACO BELL (I know, how can you live without that place?!). While it was fun to just spend time with both of them, it also made me realize how lucky I am while I am here. It's not always easy to be stationed here, especially while Thomas is gone, but I am so fortunate to have many American "luxuries" still available to me - York Peppermint Patties, Velveeta, and Del Monte green beans to name a few. ;) This was a good day with friends, and a great reminder that I don't have it half bad!

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